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Monsoon Morning Skin Care Routine For Toddlers.

Monsoon Morning Skin Care Routine for Toddlers.

Monsoon Morning Skin Care Routine for Toddlers.

After the scorching summer waves, monsoon showers come as a relief. However, kids’ routines hardly change with the changing weather.

Monsoon Showers

Monsoon does not only bring dewy showers to cool down Mother Earth. It also brings along a calmness in kids after the long summer holidays. From playing out in the wild all day to staying indoors and enjoying warm heated meals, every kid grows up. However, their skin does not. It requires the same intensive care to get past the dewy weather. If not more, it at least deserves natural and authentic care of ayurvedic ingredients that do not cause any harm.

At times, it can be hard to get your kid to take care of his or her skin. As parents, we constantly battle between wanting the best care for them and having them pick the best care for themselves. It often doesn’t align. It is because while we search for natural and ayurvedic ingredients they search for fun and joy, and to bring these two aspects together in a child’s care is a challenging task. No more with ShuShu Babies.

Happy Kids

Here is a complete monsoon guide to help you save your little one from the harshness of dewy monsoon showers.

A hydrating morning

Shower time

Start the mornings with the first and foremost care which is healthy brushing and flossing. Top it up with integrating a hydrating bath session to make your kid feel refreshed and nourished right from the first hour of the monsoon. This will ditch all the laziness and keep them lively during the day. To make things more exciting for your little one, use their favorite ingredients during shower time. It can be orange or strawberry.

Did you know?

Orange and strawberries actually have properties that are healthy and hydrating for toddlers.

The naturally ayurvedic properties and the liking of your toddler make ShuShu Babies Super Strawberry Face and Body Wash a super necessity for your young one.

Softer, Smoother, and Shinier Skin

Kids Playing

Nothing feels better than an ultra-nourished kid’s skin. Although, achieving a softer and silkier skin is no easy task. As parents, we are the prime caretaker of our kid’s delicate skin. One wrong move and the skin becomes dry and flaky. To curb skin dryness during any changing weather, all you need is an ayurvedic face and body lotion. However, it’s almost impossible to get kids to apply body lotion. Especially if the lotion is greasy and nonabsorbent. Well, no more with ShuShu Babies quick absorbent and nongreasy face and body lotion.

Did you know?

Ayurvedic care is a decades-long authentic way to shy away from all childhood skin conditions.

Provide your child with the natural goodness of Ayurveda with a perfect blend of your kid's favorite raspberry. Give them the nourishment of ShuShu Babies Wild Raspberry Face and Body Lotion.

Shunning the Sun

Cute Toddler

Summers may have faded away but the sun isn’t gone. It hides behind the armor of clouds just to suck up all the hydration right out of your kid’s skin. Therefore, protection against the sun is necessary irrespective of changing weather. As they are kids, you can let go of several factors while picking up the right SPF for your munchkin. Opt for an SPF 30 if your kid likes to spend their days out in the puddles. Also, make sure it does not carry any sort of harmful chemicals that in turn do more harm than good. Their delicate skin requires the most natural protection from the sun.

Did you know?

There’s an easy way to choose the right SPF for your kid?

How to Choose the Perfect SPF for Your Kid

Protect them with the naturally ayurvedic sunscreen of ShuShu Babies.

Where to find complete monsoon kid care?

ShuShu Babies Skincare

Monsoon care indeed plays a major role in providing natural care. Harmful or toxic ingredients are sure to cause severe damage & slow down the development of children. Whereas using naturally curated kid-care would instantly boost the process of organ development in them. ShuShuBabies Naturals is an Ayurvedic baby and kid-care brand that produces naturally created Ayurvedic products procured from the depths of nature. These ingredients are natural, free from harmful synthetic chemicals, and have been used for kid care for ages. The ayurvedic properties of these ingredients have made them a permanent guest in every Indian home.

Natural ingredients have been the driving force behind every medical miracle. Enticing them with harmful chemicals shall cost adversely in the long run. It is vital to give the best possible care to all the kids.

Shop for ShuShu Babies Naturals online and have them shipped to your doorstep.